Dynamics GP Year End Procedure
Year End Closing for Dynamics GP Module must be done in following order A) Inventory B) Receivable C) Payables D) Fixed Assets E) GL Year End GL Year End Close should be done after you have completed you Year End Closing for all above Module in above order. Let see go Module wise Year End Close procedure and its affects. A) Inventory GOTO-->Tools-->Routines-->Inventory-->Year End Close Inventory Year End Close affects i) Transfers all summarized current-Year Quantity, Cost and Sales Amounts to last-year for the Items for which you have been keeping summarized sales history ii) Updates each item’s beginning Quantity from the Quantity on hand at each site iii) Zeros the Quantity sold field in the Item Quantities maintenance (Cards-->Inventory-->Quantities/sites) for each site iv) Give you the Option to: Remove Discontinued Items, remove sold Receipts, Remove Sold Lot Attributes, and update Item’s Stan...